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Guess How Many Baby Shower Game with Free Printables

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Babies are blessings, and there’s nothing happier than the birth of your baby in the lives of parents. To cherish this wonderful day, many parents have baby showers and invite all their friends, family members, neighbors that are close to them, and colleagues. All of them gather to celebrate the soon-to-be mom’s big day as she’ll be a mom soon enough.

If you have been to a baby shower before or even had one or are thinking of having one for your little one. You’re definitely aware then that baby showers usually have fun and simple games that are both easy to play and require no skill. Guess how many in the jar or the baby bottle is one such game.

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Guess How Many in The Jar Game

“Guess how many” is a guessing game. All the guests have to guess how many candies are in the jar. It’s straightforward, fun, and simple and is exactly how the name suggests. You place a jar full of candies, and your guests will have to guess how many in there are. They can even keep the candies if their guess is correct or close to the exact number.

The candies can be any candy. People usually keep pretty colorful candies like m&ms, colorful jelly beans, or any candy that is vibrant and colorful enough. These vibrant, colorful candies look super pretty in a glass jar and provide an overall nice aesthetic to the little game. It makes the game more appealing. You can also use colorful socks and peanuts instead of candies.

How to Play

  • You can get a baby bottle, a big jar, a mason jar, or anything big enough that you think will hold all of the candies in, and they will look appealing. You can get the jar from any nearby store, or if you have one, you can use it too.
  • Use any vivid, colorful candy brand that will give a nice vibrant aesthetic and will look pretty in the jar, fill the jar with that candy. The candy can be m&ms, skittles, or anything you want to fill the jar with.
  • Remember the number of candies you filled the jar with. It’s gonna look funny if you don’t even know the number either.
  • A paper and pen for guests to give their best guesses.
  • The person who has the closest number to the actual number of candies wins the game.

Other fun games you can play at the baby shower:

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