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Choosing the perfect middle name for your little one is a tough decision. And with all the stress that comes with it, it’s easy to feel like your choices are limited to the most common names out there. You may even feel stuck. Luckily, there are many options that you can choose from. So which one is the perfect middle name for Henry? Let’s find out!
Best Middle Names For Henry
Below are suggestions from which you can find an appropriate middle name to go with Henry.

Baby Name Sign
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Classic Middle Names For Henry
Name | Initials |
Henry Jonas | HJ |
Henry Cooper | HC |
Henry Calvin | HC |
Henry Lane | HL |
Henry Griffin | HG |
Henry Christopher | HC |
Henry Ashton | HA |
Henry Albert | HA |
Henry Asher | HA |
Henry Isidore | HI |
Henry Floyd | HF |
Henry Charleston | HC |
Henry George | HG |
Henry Bay | HB |
Henry Nicholas | HN |
Henry Jameson | HJ |
Henry Cale | HC |
Henry Prosperity | HP |
Henry Nico | HN |
Henry Wesley | HW |
Henry Birch | HB |
Henry Drum | HD |
Henry Isaac | HI |
Henry Brick | HB |
Henry Oliver | HO |
Henry Dalton | HD |
Henry Jonathan | HJ |
Henry Van | HV |
Henry Matthew | HM |
Henry Mac | HM |
Henry Amen | HA |
Henry Dallas | HD |
Henry Wyatt | HW |
Henry Arthur | HA |
Henry Ring | HR |
Henry Gabriel | HG |
Henry Jasper | HJ |
Henry Heron | HH |
Henry Gideon | HG |
Henry Brent | HB |
Henry Leopold | HL |
Henry Jax | HJ |
Henry Tyler | HT |
Henry Chase | HC |
Henry Henry Blake | HHB |
Henry Arden | HA |
Henry Edward | HE |
Henry Almanzo | HA |
Henry Allen | HA |
Henry Owen | HO |
Middle Names That Go With Henry
Name | Initials |
Henry Justin | HJ |
Henry Emerson | HE |
Henry Finnian | HF |
Henry Henry Conner | HHC |
Henry Franklin | HF |
Henry Coal | HC |
Henry Lennox | HL |
Henry Patrick | HP |
Henry Henry Douglas | HHD |
Henry Pace | HP |
Henry Todd | HT |
Henry Desmond | HD |
Henry Robert | HR |
Henry Pierce | HP |
Henry Whistler | HW |
Henry Devon | HD |
Henry Kindred | HK |
Henry Carter | HC |
Henry Strong | HS |
Henry Jacob | HJ |
Henry Rio | HR |
Henry Cade | HC |
Henry Henry Patrick | HHP |
Henry Williams | HW |
Henry Genesis | HG |
Henry Drake | HD |
Henry Blue | HB |
Henry Moss | HM |
Henry Henry Archer | HHA |
Henry Sky | HS |
Henry Hummingbird | HH |
Henry Steven | HS |
Henry William | HW |
Henry Joseph | HJ |
Henry Harbor | HH |
Henry Rule | HR |
Henry John | HJ |
Henry Henry Wyatt | HHW |
Henry Alex | HA |
Henry Kit | HK |
Henry Charles | HC |
Henry Chan | HC |
Henry Bertram | HB |
Henry Blade | HB |
Henry Halcyon | HH |
Henry Stark | HS |
Henry Alec | HA |
Henry Richard | HR |
Henry Fraser | HF |
Henry Hemingway | HH |
Unique Middle Names For Henry
Name | Initials |
Henry Alden | HA |
Henry Ivan | HI |
Henry Henry Silas | HHS |
Henry Palace | HP |
Henry Keith | HK |
Henry Christmas | HC |
Henry Julian | HJ |
Henry Bradley | HB |
Henry Fitzwilliam | HF |
Henry Doss | HD |
Henry Henry Mason | HHM |
Henry Boo | HB |
Henry Pax | HP |
Henry Gavin | HG |
Henry Gunner | HG |
Henry Isaiah | HI |
Henry Hayes | HH |
Henry Nature | HN |
Henry Dominic | HD |
Henry Donovan | HD |
Henry Jayce | HJ |
Henry Emmett | HE |
Henry Dice | HD |
Henry Early | HE |
Henry Jackson | HJ |
Henry Henry Alexander | HHA |
Henry Almond | HA |
Henry Knight | HK |
Henry Dock | HD |
Henry Henry Joseph | HHJ |
Henry Henry William | HHW |
Henry Corbin | HC |
Henry Sawyer | HS |
Henry David | HD |
Henry Reader | HR |
Henry Bryson | HB |
Henry Ax | HA |
Henry Puck | HP |
Henry Painter | HP |
Henry Quentin | HQ |
Henry Ezekiel | HE |
Henry Duke | HD |
Henry Cole | HC |
Henry Ronan | HR |
Henry Austin | HA |
Henry Art | HA |
Henry Girard | HG |
Henry Damien | HD |
Henry Theodore | HT |
Henry Kyle | HK |
Cute Middle Names For Henry
Name | Initials |
Henry Declan | HD |
Henry Jude | HJ |
Henry Elliot | HE |
Henry Truth | HT |
Henry Noon | HN |
Henry Caleb | HC |
Henry Hale | HH |
Henry Elias | HE |
Henry Damon | HD |
Henry Striker | HS |
Henry River | HR |
Henry Daniel | HD |
Henry Cameron | HC |
Henry Henry David | HHD |
Henry Lucas | HL |
Henry Ellis | HE |
Henry French | HF |
Henry Dove | HD |
Henry Samuel | HS |
Henry Akira | HA |
Henry Alexander | HA |
Henry Wade | HW |
Henry Barnaby | HB |
Henry Maxwell | HM |
Henry Thomas | HT |
Henry Miles | HM |
Henry Nova | HN |
Henry Ocean | HO |
Henry Vincent | HV |
Henry Ivory | HI |
Henry Michael | HM |
Henry Carson | HC |
Henry Dominick | HD |
Henry Frederick | HF |
Henry Winston | HW |
Henry Wild | HW |
Henry Jaz | HJ |
Henry Peyton | HP |
Henry August | HA |
Henry Guitar | HG |
Henry Zephyr | HZ |
Henry Harrison | HH |
Henry James | HJ |
Henry Dustin | HD |
Henry Henry Scott | HHS |
Henry Name Meaning
Henry is a masculine name of Germanic origin, derived from the Germanic name Heimiric, meaning “ruler of the home.” It is thought to be a combination of the words heim, meaning “home,” and ric, meaning “power or ruler.” Henry was also the name of the eight kings of England.
Popularity of Name Henry
The SSA’s 2021 reports showed that Henry was the 9th most popular boy’s name. Specifically, there were 11,307 baby boys named Henry, accounting for 0.61% of the total male births. As of 2021, there were 727,278 babies named Henry. The year that the first name Henry was used the most was 1921, with a total of 11,411 babies. Compared to 2021, its use decreased by 0.89%. Additionally, this name is most commonly used for babies in Mississippi, South Carolina, and Alabama.
Famous People Named Henry
Name | Occupation |
Henry Cavill | Actor |
Prince Harry | Royalty |
Henry Rollins | Musician |
Henry Simmons | Actor |
Henry Fonda | Actor |
Henry Joost | Director |
Hank Baskett | Football (American) |
Henry Kingi | Actor |
Henry Winkler | Actor |
Henry Thomas | Actor |
Henry Mancini | Composer |
Henry Hill | Criminal |
Henry Kissinger | Government |
Henry Frye (person) | Business |
Henry Lau | Entertainer |
Henry Wynberg | Other |
Henry Hopper | Actor |
Henry Cele | Actor |
Henry Willson | Business |
Henry Garza | Singer |
Celebrity Kids With The Name Henry
Name | Celebrity Parent(s) |
Henry Story | Minnie Driver |
Henry Tadeusz | Colin Farrell |
Henry | Brandon Flowers |
Henry | Emily Deschanel & David Hornsby |
Henry Peet | Amanda Peet |
Henry Harris | Rachael Harris And Christian Hebel |
Henry Harold “Hal” | Jenna Bush & Henry Hager |
Nicknames For Henry
- Hank
- Hal
- Harry
- Henny
- Ry
- Huck
- Rye
- Hen
- Heinz
Similar Names For Henry
- Arie
- Samuel
- Jeffrey
- Gentry
- James
- Kenji
- Penny
- Henley
- Robert
- Benji
- Harry
- Edward
- Henrik
- Gary
- Ezri
- Kenlee
- Frederick
- Terry
- Kenzie
- Richard
- Theodore
- John
- Thomas
- Henryk
- Jenny
- Jack
- Charles
- Lenny
- Kenny
- William
- Henlee
- George
- Henri
- Joseph
Sibling Names For Henry
- Odolf
- Alice
- Sarah
- Geoffry
- Eleanor
- Samuel
- Frank
- Charlotte
- Charlie
- Emma
- Nathan
- Birdie
- Hal
- Ryker
- Kurt
- Caroline
- Hew
- Ella
- Heinrick
- Will
- Mary
- Fritz
- Noah
- Lorelei
- Frederick
- Alexandra
- Richard
- Franklin
- Winifred
- Lewis
- Berlin
- Oliver
- Meinhard
- Lucy
- Wednesday
- Charles
- Culbert
- Otis
- Adam
- William
- Walter
- Elizabeth
- Edward
- Amelie
Numerology Meaning For Henry
If you are interested in astrology or the zodiac, you should consult the name numerology numbers to choose a suitable name for your child.
Destiny Number: 9
People with Destiny number 9 are generous, charming, compassionate, and fantastic art lovers. Every action you take aims to make the world more beautiful, and you possess the capacity to inspire others to see their inner beauty. Nevertheless, you lack patience. You have many desires and always want to have what you expect.
You are conceited. When someone seems uninteresting, you won’t wait for them. You only want to spend time with worthy people. Therefore, you must learn how to be as lovely as the universe you want to build, forgive, and put up with people you think are less than you.
Desire Number: 5
If your soul urge number is 5, you are eager to study and discover as much as possible. Your charm is endearing, and your excitement spreads like wildfire. Furthermore, you might want to travel and look into new career opportunities.
The biggest obstacle is facing your fears. Despite having numerous friends and lovers, you can be more afraid than they might be. Your urge to explore might sometimes seem negative via drug use, excessive drinking, and shopping. You have many godsends for success in every way. However, acquiring discipline is essential to achieving success.
Personality Number: 4
If you possess the personality number 1, you may have the following traits confidence, loyalty, creativity, and leadership skills. Besides, it would help if you improved your ego, stubbornness, overconfidence, and lack of compassion.
People with this number are naturally born leaders. Besides, they are a fearless explorer who takes risks. You exude such confidence that you frighten people. It would help if you remained calm, approached situations with less enthusiasm, and kept your ego in control.
Things to Consider When Choosing a Baby Middle Name
Finding Meaningful Middle Names
One of the most popular methods for choosing a middle name is to look for one with special meaning or significance for the family. This could include something like a family surname, an ancestor’s first name, or even a place with special significance in the family’s history. You could also look for something in nature or from the literature that means something to you as parents. This can add an extra layer of sentimentality to the naming process and make it more personal and meaningful.
Consider Popular Middle Names
If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, it can be helpful to look at lists of popular baby names and see if any catch your eye. Popular middle names tend to have positive connotations such as love, hope, peace, etc., so it might be easier to find something that suits your needs in this way. Plus, seeing what others have chosen can help spark some ideas!
Look At The Initials
It’s important to consider how the initials will sound when combined with their first and last names as well. Some parents opt for names that start with different letters than those used in the first and last names, so they don’t form any potentially embarrassing acronyms! For example, if your child’s full name was John Michael Smith, then “JMS” could stand for “Just My Style” whereas “JAM” would stand for ‘John and Mary’ which isn’t particularly desirable!
Honoring Special People
Many parents choose their children’s middle names as a way of honoring special people in their lives, such as grandparents or other close relatives who may have passed away before meeting their grandchild (or great-grandchild). It can also be a nice gesture if you use part of someone else’s name, such as “Ann” if your mother’s full name was Anna Marie Smith or “Lee” if her maiden name was Lee Williams. This is an especially nice option if you don’t want to use the whole thing but still want them represented in some way!
Look To Your Heritage & Culture
Your heritage and culture are good sources of inspiration when picking out middle names too—you may decide on something traditional from your country or region, such as Gaelic words or Sanskrit phrases (if you happen to be of Indian descent). Alternatively, many families select unique surnames from other countries that hold meaning for them—for example, if your family came from Germany, then perhaps you could pick something like “Konrad”.
Consider Popular Words & Phrases
Another option is looking at popular words and phrases that might have sentimental value—many parents opt for inspirational quotes or classic sayings like “hope” or “faith”. There are also plenty of beautiful words out there like “love”, “grace”, “wisdom”, etc., so feel free chances are there will be one that resonates with both you and your partner! Of course, there are plenty of other options too, including colors, planets/stars/constellations, etc.—just think outside the box!
Choose Something Unique & Personal
Finally, remember that no one knows what would work best other than yourselves! You know better than anyone else what kind of values you want to instill in your child—and remember, choosing a unique but meaningful middle name ensures that they stand out from the crowd while being proud of who they truly are! So don’t feel pressured into going along with whatever everyone else is doing; make sure it’s personal and reflects who they really are at heart.
Wrapping Up
In conclusion – picking out a suitable middle name for Henry isn’t always easy, but hopefully, these tips will help guide new parents through the process without too much stress or hassle involved! Remember: take time researching different options, and don’t forget to get everyone else’s opinions before locking in anything final either. Good luck!
If you are still not 100% sure about choosing this name as your baby’s first name, try other names like Dallas, River, or Lane.